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fabric canopy independence in a modern perspective
history , as a silent witness to the events which were at one time tell me that in the
history proved that , at the time of the raising of the red and white sangsaka tercapture
a form of fabric that since ancient times has beautify a building form .
Indonesian nation at glorifies the flag as a symbol of the nation and national identity
explains the apparent evidence implied that , by the time reportedly flag by sebgaian
founder of the country , and all eyes fixed on one point , namely red and white sangsaka
with full wisdom conditions , there are other things that we can see the pieces nyaitu
menyurapai fabric with a form that is currently the trend in society " FABRIC CANOPY form " .
attached to the top of the building window .
so can we say that history proves that the " canopy fabric " had been there since the days
independence or even before the time of independence . it can be evidenced by the
pictures to explain it .
so , it has the feel of the fabric canopy hist unique and futuristic suit
konsisi and the state of a nation , so the authors looked at from the past until now many
the people who use the canopy fabric as a medium to complement the beauty of the buildings
both from the ordinary and elite centre .
This is the author's perspective on the historical fabric canopy and history as well as
canopy fabric of civilization as a witness in a nation especially our beloved nation and our
proud of the Indonesian nation .